Made in Germany - Reflections on Yom Ha-Shoah
Well, it seems Kohelet was right. There's nothing new under the sun. German racism did not begin or end with Hitler. Just in time for Yom Ha-Shoah, it came to light that a German officer was training recruits by telling them to imagine themselves in the Bronx, where three African-Americans jump out of a van yelling insults about the recruit's mother. The recruit is instructed to fire his machine gun while yelling an expletive in English. Watch the video; although it is in German the flavor (stink?) should come through:
For the record, I was post-docing in the Bronx at the height of the crack epidemic in the late 1980s, and I would run through the South Bronx almost every afternoon. Nobody touched a hair of my head.
For the record, I was post-docing in the Bronx at the height of the crack epidemic in the late 1980s, and I would run through the South Bronx almost every afternoon. Nobody touched a hair of my head.
Running magazines I read constantly run articles about motivation and how to sustain it. My motivation could have a stamp on it: Made in Germany. Like most things made in Germany, it is strong and enduring. Whenever the yetzer hara whispers "Quit," all I have to do is conjure up this image from Bergen-Belsen to remind myself what the results of weakness can be:
Q: Shall these bones live?