Friday, October 12, 2012

Made in Israel - Stinko!

     What with all the negativity in the world and in the Orthodox community, a little comic relief is in order.  I recently stumbled onto this video showing the latest Israeli crowd control device.


Of course people are complaining.  If any other country came up with a device that, unlike rubber bullets, does the target (stone-throwing Arab terrorists-in-training, remember) no physical harm, people all over the world would sing Hallelujah.  But we're accustomed to double standards where Jews and Israel are concerned.  Just laugh at Israeli ingenuity and the world's stupidity and hypocrisy.


Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Congressman: Evolution a lie from the pit of hell

Read this and weep:

   Embryology and the Big Bang Theory too.  This guy is a medical doctor.  Probably one who whips out a prescription for penicillin whenever somebody walks in with the sniffles, thereby creating armies of penicillin-resistant bacteria.  It's Evolution 101, doc.

   Evolution is a lie.  The earth is no more than  9000 years old.  Yeah right, and the moon is made of green cheese, and R. Elyashiv and R. Moshe Feinstein were authorities on science.  Really now, these people have a right to spout whatever nonsense they wish, but do we have to listen, let alone give them the U.S. House of Representatives as a soapbox?

   I don't know which is scarier, that Rep. Broun sits on the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology or that his views have a large following in our community.  Small wonder that so many young people are opting out of our community.

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